Tuesday 19 June 2012

Dream Cast for 'Completing the Puzzle'

As with the Mummy Misfit diaries, today I'm letting my imagination run away with me and I'm casting the main characters for a TV production of my latest novel 'Completing the Puzzle.'

If you've read or are reading it, let me know your thoughts - do you agree or disagree with my choices?  If you've not read it, can I tempt you to a story that contains wonderful characters like these?

First up, FEE.  She's an attractive 'woman of a certain age'  - not a raving beauty but she clearly has a special 'something' to attract Marcus.  I know that my choice of actress is slightly older but I still believe she could fit the bill very well.


Then we move on to HUGH, Fee's troubled husband.  We go on a bit of an emotional journey with this man and at the beginning we meet him in a distressed mental state.  He's carrying the troubles of the world on his shoulders and that needs to be apparent.  So I bring you ...


Fee's oldest friend, the actress and drama queen, CORDELIA, was an easy choice!  Larger than life and dominating every situation with her theatrical and attention seeking outbursts, who better than ...


Next we move on to Fee's Dad, MALCOLM.  In his eighties and widowed, a bit of a flirt and a fantastic grandad.  He's making the most of his Twilight Years and, although living under Fee and Hugh's roof, retains his independence and likes to speak his mind when fighting his corner.  My No1 choice ...


I made myself chuckle a bit when choosing the irritating but (eventually) loveable VERA - the cleaner from hell who has her heart set on Malcolm.  Her ear shattering nasal snorts can be heard for miles and she can turn any positive to a negative.  Well it had to be ...


This brings us to the wonderful SIR F (or Sir F*ckwit) the affluent owner of the private school Fee works in as a nurse.  There is more to Sir F than originally meets the eye and it has to be said  that, by the end of the book, I'd actually developed a little bit of a crush on this sometimes rude and often blunt man.  It's been lovely to hear that some of my readers have felt the same way.  I wonder if this gentleman would fit the bill for them?


The twins, WILL & TOBY proved slightly tricky as I couldn't think of any nineteen year old actors with a similar look.  They're not identical twins in looks or personality but they do need to be seen as twins. When writing them, I found myself remembering the boys in Carla Lane's 'Butterflies'.  So a modern day version of these two ...

WILL (left) TOBY (right)

Getting just a tad excited now as we're moving on to the 'lurve interest,' MARCUS.  So many delicious actors to choose from but he had to be strong and rugged with a soft and caring side.  After many hours of steamy research, I have decided on ...


OK, so he's not really an actor but he's just so perfect for the part, I refuse to be swayed.

So there you have it.  My cast for 'Completing the Puzzle.'  Are there any that have you screaming at your screen in horror?  Answers below please ...

'Completing the Puzzle' can be bought at Amazon for Kindle, PC, Smartphone etc and in paperback at Lulu.  Don't forget to check out the Mummy Misfit books too - bitching, Botox and designer handbags.


  1. I finished it last night and I agree with all but Vera and Hugh, think that is because I created them in my mind and it won't let me override it! Hugh for me is more like David in Cold Feet! I loved the book, I really did, you changed your writing style and it paid off again, Book 3 is a cracker x

  2. Love "most" of your choices! The parts of Fee, Cordelia, Hugh, Marcus and Malcolm - perfect! Especially Malcolm, couldn't have chosen anyone better. Not sure about Vera and Marcus. Good to let your imagination run away with you though!

    CJ x

  3. Love your choices & knew Alfie couldn't ever be played by anyone else.
    I agree with Rachel & could see David from Cold Feet or even Martin Clunes playing Hugh. As for Vera, well it's gotta be Julie Walters for me.

    #Baggiesbeta xx

  4. Great to hear all your ideas. Ness, my sister said Julie Walters for Vera too! :)
